General Middleware

Fetch User Contacts with CNContactPickerDelegate in Swift

Follow below steps to pop the Contacts List and choose one from there. Import ContactsUI […]

General Middleware

How to handle Dark Mode in Swift

Apple introduced a new mode called “Dark Mode” from iOS 13.0 onwards. Users can easily […]

General Middleware

Add a Share Button in your IOS App in Swift Xcode

When you want to share a media to other apps on the device, you need […]

General Middleware

Implement Sliding images in Swift Xcode

Use the ImageSlideShow module to implement the sliding images. Download and install the cocoa pod […]

General Middleware

Setup Cocoa Pods for IOS Apps

Cocoa Pods is a platform that provides a seamless method to install, update and uninstall […]

General Middleware

Implement ScrollView in Swift Xcode

Below code will layout 3 images in a scrollview. The basic steps are: Create a […]

General Middleware

Enable Pinch Zoom in your photos in Swift Xcode

Open Xcode and create a new project Go to Main.storyboard, and add an UIImageView Object […]

General Middleware

How to Create Custom Cells in a TableView in Swift using Xcode

Follow the below steps to create custom cells in TableView. Create the UITableView object in […]

General Middleware

Implement In App Purchase for Consumables with XCODE

In order to take your apps to the next level, and make some money, you […]

General Middleware

Generate iPhone and iPad screenshots including device frame

Taking the right screenshot that looks good is extremely important to market your IOS Apps. […]